Saturday, August 7, 2010


Grasshopper near Burr Oak Iowa 

    Do you remember the grasshopper invasion that ruined Pa’s crop in Plum Creek? Well, hardships from this meant the family finally had to move, and so they went to Burr Oak, Iowa where they lived and worked at the Masters Hotel. This part of Laura’s life is not in any of her books.  I thought it was the best tour ever!  They let me go into the hotel and see everything in the museum. 

Haviland china that Rose, Laura’s daughter, gave Laura and Almanzo.

Rose and cross quilt. Things with and about roses are my favorite!

Laura’s family arrived in a covered wagon 
During grasshopper invasions people got paid
by the barrel of grasshoppers they collected!

    After Laura was married, she and Almanzo faced other hardships (debt, fire, poor harvest and diphtheria,) this time in Dakota Territory.  They went to live with the Wilder family in Spring Valley Minnesota.  I was not able to see the fascinating museum here, though.  I would have loved to climb on the old-fashioned fire truck.  Amanda could not even take a picture of it for me, and she had to “see out loud” for me, just like Laura had to after her sister Mary became blind.

Spring Valley Wilder Museum

    It is hard to learn about so many hardships,  but I love hearing how safe and cozy Laura and her family are at home on cold, rainy or scary nights.  That is how I feel safe in our car.

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