Sunday, August 8, 2010

Plum Creek

    Plum Creek in Walnut Grove Minnesota is still the way Laura described it.  It is quiet except for the insects and the breezes, and there are trees growing on the banks, and fields of prairie grasses and flowers.  We saw the site where the sod house had stood, where
Laura’s family lived as prairie dog people.  I can’t wait to burrow myself tonight like a prairie dog, but I will go under the covers.

On the banks of plum creek  

Prairie flowers

“…Laura watched the velvety wings slowly opening and closing, as if the butterfly butterfly breathed with them.  She saw the tiny feet…, and the feelers quivering, and even the round, lidless eyes…” (Wilder 37, 38)


35                  species of native prairie wildflowers and grasses
                      that Walnut Grove has planted
.1%               percentage of native grasses left on the prairies
1,000,000     bikers expected in South Dakota this week
2                   little pieces of French fries I got for lunch treats
10,000          lakes in Minnesota
95                 degrees today plus a lot of humidity
10                 states we have been to so far
1                   very, very hot little dog on the prairie

sometimes I just wish I were a minnow

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful butterfly!! We got home from Casper tonight...very tired. I will catch up on your posts tomorrow!! nite
